The Power Lunch Project's TUESDAY CONNECTworking Session in MEDIA, PA

By The Power Lunch Project (other events)

Tuesday, June 4 2013 12:00 PM 1:15 PM EST

The Power Lunch Project presents

The Tuesday CONNECTworking Lunch Hour (+15 minutes!)

Every Tuesday @ 12:00 PM

Stephen's on State
105 West State St.
Media, PA

Our topics this week are:


Round One - What's your problem?!?
(Our popular WYP session - bring us something you need help with and we'll give you some advice!)

Round Two - What's the most important goal you need to achieve this week?

FREE for members of The Power Lunch Project

$7.00 for non-members (buy your own lunch!)



At The Power Lunch Project's CONNECTworking Lunch Hour (every Tuesday @ 12:00 PM), we don't just network - we CONNECT! - Join us for the ultimate POWER LUNCH!

This isn't your typical networking group meeting! Our meetings are designed to foster relationship building through small group activities/discussions meant to help problem solve, give and receive help and advice, form real business connections, and of course, break bread (hey - don't knock it - breaking bread builds bonds!)

If you are looking for a group that passes referrals immediately, THIS IS NOT A MEETING FOR YOU! We focus on real business relationship building!


Here's Our Format:

12:00 PM to 12:15 PM - Open Networking and Welcome

12:15 PM to 12:20 PM - Introductions

12:20 PM to 12:45 PM - CONNECTworking Session #1 (see explanation below)**

12:45 PM to 1:00 PM - CONNECTworking Session #2 **

1:00 PM to 1:15 PM - Open Networking


**CONNECTworking Sessions - Participants are broken up into smaller groups of up to four professionals to discuss a predetermined topic. After 15 minutes, you will be regrouped into another smaller group for some more perspective on the topic.

These CONNECTworking Sessions are where the bonding happens and where you will give value to and receive value from your fellow group participants!

Buy your lunch and come connect with us!


The Power Lunch Project helps professionals find great networking partners! We match you up with other professional who "get" the true nature of business networking, coordinate schedules, and send you off to network over lunch or coffee to assist you in beginning the process of building strong business networking relationships! All for only $20/month - (and once you're a member, events like this are free!) Visit us at